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As online sales orders are booming at yet unseen growth rates we all realize that this will inevitably continue in the same direction. With physical shops forced to close down due to COVID-19 restrictions the leading and biggest e-commerce shops have utilize this online trend and continued their growth journey.

FDIH, which is the Danish organization for online retailers, have created an overview of the biggest e-commerce stores in Denmark. We have looked at these numbers and companies and gathered a list of the top 8 Danish e-commerce stores, which sells fashion or lifestyle products in 2020. Have a look at the top 8 best selling e-commerce stores based on revenue in Denmark. We have selected these shops as they sell either or both fashion- and lifestyle products in some way or another.

Top 1:

Top 2: H&M

Top 3:

Top 4: Amazon

Top 5: Bilka

Top 6:

Top 7: Magasin webshop

Top 8: Ebay

If you want to dig deeper into the report and see the entire list conducted by FDIH you can find the full report here. We hope to inspire all of you and get inputs on how to optimizer your e-commerce business and create even better user experiences for the customers.